Terms and Conditions

About Us

Pro-Coaching are completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please let us know via the 'Contact Us' link at the top of each page.

Our Contact details:

PO Box 751
United Kingdom

Phone: 01823 332834

Email: info@pro-coaching.co.uk

Pro-Coaching Specific Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to all transactions with Pro-Coaching:


Online bookings will receive automatic confirmation. Due to the popular demand for our courses we are unable to guarantee places without prior payment and in order to avoid disappointment, we strongly discourage parents/carers turning up on the day. Parents are however welcome to telephone at last minute to check on course availability.


If for any reason you are required to cancel a confirmed booking, provided we are notified 60 days or more in advance of the course, a full refund will be given (less £10 administration charge per course booked). If you are unable to provide us with a minimum of 60 days notice, we regret a refund will not be available. Any refunds will be paid directly back on the card you paid with.

If Pro-Coaching is required to cancel a particular course then those booked will be given at least 7 days notice where possible. We will endeavour to offer alternative arrangements, or all monies can be refunded if requested. This will happen only in exceptional circumstances.  Please also see below in the unlikely event of a pandemic.

In the Extreme Event of a Pandemic

In the unlikely event of a pandemic and courses being cancelled that are out of our control, we regret that we are unable to offer a refund or credit note.

Whilst we make every endeavour to ensure the safety of all course participants by implementing additional measures to help minimise  Covid-19 risks in line with government advice, we do not accept any responsibility for course participants who may contract Covid-19. 

Changes in Booking

We will try to accommodate any changes you may require to a confirmed booking. There will be a £10 administration charge per course in such circumstances.

In order to maintain high standards of coaching and enjoyment amongst children of all age ranges, in the event of it not being possible to group individuals amongst other children of a similar age/ability we will notify parents in advance and offer an alternative course if requested.


All children on Pro-Coaching courses are covered by our Public Liability Insurance.

First Aid

In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered to children in our care; the emergency services will be called if necessary unless advised otherwise.

All essential medication e.g. epipens, inhalers etc. must be handed into registration at the start of each day. Make sure appropriate sun cream is administered prior to coaching days when the weather is warm/hot together with additional supplies for self-application.

Settling In Policy

In the interest of the child/ren, Pro-Coaching operates a settling in policy. If a child appears unhappy or distressed 45 minutes after arriving, the coach will contact his/her parent/carer to discuss the matter, which in exceptional circumstances may result in a request for collection.

Lost Property

Please ensure that children do not bring valuable toys or belongings as Pro-Coaching cannot be held responsible if they go missing. We will try to return any items lost and kindly ask parents to label all items.

Swimming on Holiday Courses

If available at the venue, please make sure that your child is able to swim 25 metres unaided, if they cannot do this then they are permitted from using the swimming pool on the holiday courses.

Drop Off/Collection

Children are to be dropped off and collected from the registration area. Parents may collect their children from the playing areas if they wish, but must notify the coach of their intention beforehand (with the exception of early drop off and late pick up venues).

Children will only be released to parents after they have signed his/her child out in the register. If someone other than the original parent/carer is collecting the child please tell registration at the start of the day.

Please be prompt when collecting your child/ren. Pro-Coaching reserves the right to charge parents a late collection fee of £5 for every fifteen minutes or part thereof, commencing ten minutes after the advised collection time.

Transferring Between Sites

On occasions, at some of our venues there is a need to briefly walk between sites. This may mean walking across roads and/or along paths. Children will be supervised safely at all times. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this then please make Pro-Coaching aware on 01823 332834.


Occasionally we take photographs of children for promotional activities. If you do not wish for your child/ren to be photographed, please notify us beforehand.

Mobile Phones

Children are permitted to bring mobile phones with them to courses but only for the express purpose of making emergency calls to parents or guardians. At all other times they must remain switched off and safely stored within their bags.

Child being sick

If your child has been physically sick then we adopt the same policy as every school, the child must not come on the course before 48 hours of being sick.  This is prevent the bugs being spread amongst the children.

Child Exclusion

In the interest of the coaching groups, Pro-Coaching reserves the right to exclude children who display disruptive or aggressive behaviour. On these very rare occasions no refund will be made for the remainder of the course and any costs incurred with the exclusion including transporting home will be the parent’s responsibility. This exclusion also applies to bullying.


Pro-Coaching reserves the right to change specified coaches advertised in our leaflet or website. Alternative coaches will remain experienced and fully qualified within the specific sport. 

Parent Feedback

Pro-Coaching aims to provide the best possible coaching for children and an excellent service to all parents. We value your feedback and will use it to develop and improve our services. We also encourage you to share any positive experiences of Pro-coaching amongst family and friends.

Privacy Policy

Pro-Coaching do not disclose buyers' information to third parties other than when order details are processed as part of the order fulfilment. In this case, the third party will not disclose any of the details to any other third party.

Cookies are used on this shopping site to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart, to store delivery addresses if the address book is used and to store your details if you select the 'Remember Me' Option. You can turn off cookies within your browser by going to 'Tools | Internet Options | Privacy' and selecting to block cookies. If you turn off cookies, you will be unable to place orders or benefit from the other features that use cookies. 

Use of your Personal Information 

When you use the Pro-Coaching site to book and pay for courses you will be asked to provide certain information such as your contact details. We will store this data in a database and use it to fulfil our agreement with you.

We may use information that you provide or that is obtained by us:

  • To administer our services
  • For marketing purposes, to keep you informed of products and services offered by Pro-Coaching and our Group of companies which include The Spin Bus
  • We will not at any time and for any reason sell your information to third parties.


We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information and cannot be held responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence or wilful default.


You have the right to see personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act) that we keep about you, upon receipt of a written request and payment of a fee. If you are concerned that any of the information we hold on you is incorrect please contact us via the link on the menu bar at the top of each page.

How Can I Get My Name Removed from the Pro-Coaching Marketing Lists?

If you want to be removed from our marketing lists, please contact us via the link on the menu bar at the top of each page with the word 'Remove' in the subject line and the email address that you wish to be removed. Please note that it may take up to 28 days to action your request.

Complaints Procedure 

We are committed to providing a high quality service to all our schools, children and parents.  When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it.  This will help us to improve our standards.

If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details.

What will happen next?

1. We will send you a letter/email acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.

2. We will then investigate your complaint.  This will normally involve passing your complaint to our Operations or Managing Director, who will review your complaint and open an incident log.

3. Once we have completed our investigation into your complaint we will contact you by phone to advise you of this and the outcome within seven days.

4. We will then confirm in writing the outcome as outlined in our telephone conversation within 14 days of the original complaint.


OFSTED ADDRESS: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD